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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 23 - June 10, 2021

(Published in the Kansas Register June 10, 2021.)

Frontier Ag, Inc.

Notice to Bidders

Frontier Ag, Inc. of Ruleton, Kansas is currently seeking bidders for a rail yard construction project at their facility in Ruleton, Kansas. Interested bidders must contact Stan Remington with Frontier Ag, Inc. at to request a bid package for the upcoming project. The bid package will include bid documents, plans, and specifications. Bidders are required to be AVETTA-certified before a submitted bid will be accepted. Bid packages for the project are expected to be sent to all interested bidders on or about June 10, 2021.

The work consists of the following major items: approximately 9,400 track feet of new rail construction, four turnouts, and all necessary civil/earthwork to construct a suitable railbed per the construction documents. This project is the recipient of a KDOT State Rail Service Improvement Fund program grant and the contract for work will be directly with Frontier Ag, Inc., which reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Questions regarding the project should be directed to Stan Remington or Larame Cline with ASM Engineering Consultants at

Stan Remington
Chief Operating Officer

Doc. No. 049194